Mooman and McDuffies: ACTION ATTOURNEYS!


Guest Starring: Ryclaude as the plaintiff and Faceless as confused

<mcDuff> All this "war explode" talk makes me hungry.
<RYClaude> have a muffin
<RYClaude> they're two for one
<mcDuff> But I want only one.
<mcDuff> So can I have half?
<RYClaude> yes
* mcDuff eats
<RYClaude> but you have to split it with one of Mooman's guards
* mcDuff is poisoned
<RYClaude> mwahahahahahaha!
<RYClaude> yess McDuff!
<mcDuff> What are you doing with that razor?
<Mooman> Oh no! McDuffies! He's dying! Oh no! Oh well...
<RYClaude> and now I shall have position 136 on the list!
<mcDuff> Grrrrh....
* mcDuff dies
<RYClaude> i thought he'd never snuff it
<Mooman> Quick, RYClaude, defile his corpse!
* mcDuff is now known as mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail
<RYClaude> no way!
<RYClaude> you do it!
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail gets up
<Mooman> I can't
<Mooman> I'm under oath
<RYClaude> AAAAH!
<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> Braaains
<RYClaude> cripes!
<Mooman> Zombies!
<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> braaains
<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> liiiiver
<RYClaude> what'll we do, dangermouse?
<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> kiiiidneys
<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> braaains
<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> booooooobs
<RYClaude> boooooobs
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail chases Mooman and RYClaude
<RYClaude> slowly though
<RYClaude> stupid zombies
* Mooman runs off and slams the door behind him, trapping RyClaude
<RYClaude> BALLS!
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail gets his hands on RYClaude
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail bites RYClaude's head
* Mooman strides off dusting his hands

<RYClaude> GAH!
<RYClaude> braaaaaaaaiiins
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail opens RYClaude's scull
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail eats it's contents

<RYClaude> s'okay
<RYClaude> I wasn't using it
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail then breaks the door open
* Mooman runs off again
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail follows Mooman
* Mooman leads McDuff into a comic convention
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail scared Mooman so much that he trips every once in a while

<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> Braaaaains!
<Mooman> Well of course
<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> Mooooman's braaaaaains
<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> Moooooman's braaaaains
* Mooman runs into the haunted forest
* RYClaude is now known as ZombieClaude
* ZombieClaude is now known as RYClaude

<RYClaude> haha
<RYClaude> I fought it off!
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail roams through the haunted forest
* Mooman hides in the big scary mansion
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail catches Mooman

<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> Cause I got a hang of scary locations, being zombie and all
<Mooman> Oh no!
* Mooman hits McDuff with a spade
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail chews on Mooman's head
<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> Chew chew
<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> Too thick.
<Mooman> I resent that
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail uses a can opener on Mooman's head
* Mooman quickly takes out life insurance
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail eats it's contents
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail gets a bit sick

<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> Ugh...
<Mooman> It's probably too rich for you
<mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail> I feel funny...
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail throws up
* mcDuff_dead_as_a_doornail is now known as mcDuff
<mcDuff> I'm alive again!
<RYClaude> what about me!?
* Mooman grabs the bits of brain and replaces them
<RYClaude> you screwed me over Duffies!
<mcDuff> You might not be.
<mcDuff> What did I know? I was a zombie.
<RYClaude> A zombie with intent
<mcDuff> Zombies have to intent.
<mcDuff> They're brain-track mind
<mcDuff> Pfsch.
<mcDuff> I hope someone else will clean this mess.
* mcDuff scampers off
* Mooman claims on his life insurance

<RYClaude> Mooman!
<mcDuff> Say, is the policy in my name per chance?
<Mooman> Nope
<Mooman> And now I'm rich
<mcDuff> You're not.
<Mooman> But what to do with my fabulous wealth
<RYClaude> resurrect me with your fortune!
<RYClaude> remember the good times!
<mcDuff> You can't be a user of your own death policy.
<RYClaude> the fleet! The muffins!
<mcDuff> That would be illegal.
<Mooman> Course I can
<Mooman> I died
<Mooman> And came back as a zombie
<Mooman> Then became Alvie again
<Mooman> Alvie as ever
<mcDuff> Look, that policy is signed to RYClaude, not you!
<mcDuff> And specially not Alvie!
<RYClaude> what does this mean?!
<mcDuff> That means you're Rick.
<Mooman> But how will we fund our own club 'McDuff and Moo's' now?!
<mcDuff> That club sucks, you were just using my name and I sued you for trademark abuse.
<Mooman> It was the hottest dig in town
<Mooman> Everyone who was anyone was there
<RYClaude> But I'm dead!
<RYClaude> oh wait
<RYClaude> this was in my will
<RYClaude> "If a zombie kills me, I wish my family to resurrect me"
<mcDuff> Mooman, do you happen to be RYClaude's family?
<mcDuff> If you are, you gotta ressurect him.
<Mooman> I dunno, let me check my family tree
<RYClaude> we were half uncles!
<RYClaude> remember?
<RYClaude> when Aunt Bessie married little Harold?
<mcDuff> You signed your insurance policy in his name - you must be his family.
<Mooman> Well damn
<Mooman> Come on, McDuff, I'll need a daring sidekick
<mcDuff> Well... ok...
<mcDuff> I'll forgive you for trying to eat my brains.
<Mooman> I have never wanted to feast on your grey matter, Duffbag
<mcDuff> Oh, it was me then...
<mcDuff> Never mind then.
<Mooman> Anyway, tally-ho!
<mcDuff> What we gotta do?
<Mooman> Resurrect RYClaude
<RYClaude> *haunts the two of you till I'm alive again*
<Mooman> Then we are handsomely rewarded
<mcDuff> Wait, wait...
<mcDuff> This will has a strange clause...
<mcDuff> Let me see:
<RYClaude> uh oh
<mcDuff> As RYClaude's relative, you get money only if you ressurect him...
<mcDuff> But if you ressurect him, he's not dead anymore, will is not to be executed at all.
<Mooman> Egads!
<mcDuff> It's an endless loop.
<Mooman> A legal qualm
<mcDuff> I don't understand it.
<mcDuff> Do we get the money or not?
<Mooman> We must find a lawyer
<thatotherguy> the cure is worse than the disease!
<mcDuff> I don't know any lawyer...
<mcDuff> thatotherguy, are you a lawyer?
<thatotherguy> No and I shudder to think of the consoltation
* Soap_Committee has joined #keenspace
<RYClaude> Soap!
<Soap_Committee> Yo
<RYClaude> Are you a lawyer?
<Soap_Committee> Whuh? Not at all.
<RYClaude> Curses!
<mcDuff> Do you have any knowlegde of legal matters whatsoever?
<RYClaude> we are in dire need
<Soap_Committee> It depends...
<mcDuff> We need an advisor in case of RYClaude's last will.
<Mooman> Time grows thin
<mcDuff> You see, it's a complicated matter...
<Mooman> And a matter of complication
<RYClaude> my life and their bank balance hang by a thread
<mcDuff> Perhaps we should've consulted a lawyer before we ressurected him.
<Mooman> Well we haven't done it yet
<RYClaude> I'm, haunting
<mcDuff> I thought we did.
<Mooman> You must have dreamt it
<mcDuff> Oh. That explains why you are waling and tackling my scull.
<mcDuff> walking
* War takes all of RYClaudes stuff
<mcDuff> War, aRE YOU A LAWYER?
<RYClaude> obviously
<RYClaude> he took all the stuff!
<RYClaude> MY stuff!
<mcDuff> Well, ye...
<mcDuff> s...
<Mooman> Only a lawyer is that underhanded
<RYClaude> my precious precious stuff....
<mcDuff> Now we need another lawyer to retain the stuff from this lawyer.
<Mooman> The plot thickens!
<RYClaude> like angel delight
<mcDuff> We better get a third lawyer just in case.
<Mooman> But where are we gonna find two lawyers?!
<RYClaude> hell
<Mooman> Well
<Mooman> There's nothing else we can do
<Mooman> McDuff
<Mooman> We're going to Law School
<mcDuff> Yeah.
* War takes your souls too
<RYClaude> you wont be needing them
<Mooman> I didn't really have one to begin with
<mcDuff> If War took our souls that probably means we finished law school.
<Mooman> Hooray!
<mcDuff> That was quick.
<RYClaude> excellent!
<RYClaude> now get all the stuff back from War!
* mcDuff fights War with legal... um... stuff
<Mooman> Now to start a Practice and have a crappy tv series showing all the wacky things we get up to
<mcDuff> War, your ebonishment perpetuates the derailment of the customary payback. Therefore I demand you recover all stuff you took.
<RYClaude> haunted practice
<Mooman> McDuff, use your sexual prowess! I'll attack the establishment.
* War fights back with a club with nails in it
<mcDuff> War, I am suing you for a physical attack.
<mcDuff> Exibit A: A club!
<mcDuff> Exibit B: A nail in it
<Mooman> An open and shut case
<mcDuff> Exibit C: A lump on my head.
* War obviously didn't hit hard enough
<mcDuff> Give money.
* mcDuff takes money
<mcDuff> I need more.
<mcDuff> Hit me again so I can sue you again.
<Mooman> Can't fault that logic
* mcDuff manages to, after the long process, retrieve RYClaude's stuff.
<Mooman> Hooray!
<RYClaude> and my life?
<mcDuff> Oh, that...
<Mooman> Well
<Mooman> Do we really need to?
<RYClaude> c'mon guys!
<mcDuff> Surry, our union forbits us doing black magic.
<Mooman> We've got the stuff
<RYClaude> aw no
<Mooman> Lawyers win!
<RYClaude> I'm gonna be reincarnated as a t-shirt
<mcDuff> War can ressurect yo
<Mooman> Now let's check out this booty!
<mcDuff> Female T-shirt?
<RYClaude> like he'd wanna...
<RYClaude> nope
<RYClaude> sucks to be me
<mcDuff> Booty: I got War's chewing gum.
<Mooman> That's not really that good a booty
<mcDuff> And his vest.
<Mooman> What about RYClaude's stuff?
* mcDuff puts War's vest on
<mcDuff> How do I look?
<Mooman> Words fail me.
<Mooman> Wait a minute
<mcDuff> Maybe Mercury will mistake me for War?
<Mooman> Your's getting all spikey....
<Mooman> You're growing a goatee!
<Mooman> Your glasses are turning green!!!
<mcDuff> AAAAGH!
* mcDuff is now known as War_previously_mcDuff
* War_previously_mcDuff kicks Mooman
<RYClaude> it's what you deserve!
<Mooman> Oh no!
<Mooman> My face!
* War_previously_mcDuff kicks RYClaude
<RYClaude> I'm a ghost numbnuts!
* War_previously_mcDuff takes all RYClaude's stuff
<Mooman> Well, this is terrible!
<RYClaude> if you bring me back I have a cure!
<War_previously_mcDuff> If you bring him back I'll kill you
<Mooman> How can you have a cure?!
<RYClaude> it was told to me by the last person to know the cornish language
<Mooman> He's turned into War! You wouldn't get within three miles to administer it!
<RYClaude> I would
<RYClaude> in my bear protection suit
<War_previously_mcDuff> Mooman... it's me, mcDuff... still residing into War...
<War_previously_mcDuff> listen to me...
<Mooman> Speak to me, McDuff!!!
<War_previously_mcDuff> just.... turn the heater on...
<War_previously_mcDuff> turn the heater on...
* War_previously_mcDuff shuts up mcDuffies in him
<Mooman> What?! With heating prices this high? And us into the last quarter? And with the electric bill already affecting the budget?!
* War_previously_mcDuff kicks Mooman
<Mooman> I need that face, dammit!
<War_previously_mcDuff> Yeah, you better not listen to him.
* Mooman thinks long and hard...
<RYClaude> dammit man
<Mooman> RYClaude, distract him with your ghostly thingies.
<RYClaude> woooo00000oooOo0000ooo
* War_previously_mcDuff enjoys the power
<RYClaude> *drops trousers*
<War_previously_mcDuff> What is it , you?
* Mooman runs over to the radiator
<RYClaude> behold my ghostly thingies!
<Mooman> Jesus! I said distract him, not blind him
* War_previously_mcDuff kicks the ghost
* War_previously_mcDuff misses
<War_previously_mcDuff> Damn ghosts.
* Mooman turns the radiator to full
<RYClaude> it worked didn't it?
* War_previously_mcDuff takes off the vest
* War_previously_mcDuff is now known as mcDuff
<mcDuff> Wow! I'm saved!
<RYClaude> phew
<Mooman> But unfortunately our heating bill is not
<mcDuff> Never again should anyone put on this vest!
<Mooman> The repo man just came and took all the radiators
<mcDuff> Well...
<mcDuff> We must burn this vest in the ethereal fires of Mr.Bob.
<Mooman> Well, you do that
<Mooman> Damn it's getting cold
<mcDuff> But... a quest?
<mcDuff> A quest for a vest?
<Mooman> Just how many quests do we have to go on today?!
<mcDuff> 100
<Mooman> Well, better get cracking...
<mcDuff> We gotta fill our quota.
<Mooman> At least we'll get out of this freezing cold house
* mcDuff and Mooman go on a quest
* mcDuff and Mooman reach the ethereal fires of Mr. Bob

<Mooman> That was easy
* mcDuff and Mooman burn the vest
* mcDuff and Mooman return

<mcDuff> That was quick.
<Mooman> I'm slightly dissapointed
<mcDuff> What were you complaining 'bout anyway?
* RYClaude is now known as n
* n is now known as RYClaude

<mcDuff> Hey, I think I saw n for a moment there.
<Mooman> The house is still freezing!
<mcDuff> n is my old highschool pal.
<mcDuff> n, where are you?
<Mooman> Does he know how to resurrect people?
<RYClaude> I channeled him
<mcDuff> Yes. But now he's gone.
<Mooman> Well drat
<RYClaude> I can't get him to stay...
<mcDuff> Mooman, how can we be cold? we have fat lawer salaries paychecks.
* RYClaude is now known as n
* n is now known as RYClaude

<RYClaude> dammit
<mcDuff> I saw him again!
<mcDuff> But he's gone again!
<mcDuff> Wait...
<mcDuff> Now I remember...
<mcDuff> I heard that n was killed in a bizzare truck accident 10 years ago!
<Mooman> Damn those bizzare trucks!
<Mooman> I knew they'd hurt someone someday
<RYClaude> Mooman was driving the truck!
<RYClaude> n told me so!
<Mooman> I was young and foolish!
<Mooman> And sexy!
<RYClaude> that doesn't bring n back!
<mcDuff> What does?
<Mooman> Well then
<Mooman> Let me duel him!
<mcDuff> I mean, really, I'd like to know how to ressurect people.
<RYClaude> same thing that'll bring me back!
<Mooman> If I win he must resurrect RyClaude
<mcDuff> Who, n?
<RYClaude> no!
<RYClaude> liver sausage!
<Mooman> If he wins he gets to take McDuffies with him to the dark otherworld
<Mooman> Summon him forth, and I shalt but slay him
<RYClaude> I told you
<mcDuff> Seems fair to me.
<RYClaude> I cant maintain the connection
<Mooman> Hmm
<Mooman> Don't worry
<Mooman> I have a solution
<RYClaude> give me a minute
<RYClaude> second thoughts, dont
* Mooman sends a mail bomb to n
<RYClaude> whats the solution?
<RYClaude> fool!
<RYClaude> you'll destroy the afterlife!
<Mooman> Pfft. No-one was using it anyway
<mcDuff> And that will destroy RYClaude too!
<RYClaude> noooo
<Mooman> all our troubles will go away?
<mcDuff> RYClaude was using it!
<mcDuff> With money fro his will!
<mcDuff> from
<mcDuff> You fool!
<Mooman> If RYClaude dies (properly) then we get his stuff, cause I'm his only living relative!
<mcDuff> All that money will go into vain if that bomb explodes!
<Mooman> And a damned sexy lawyer
* n has joined #keenspace
<Mooman> Oh damn
<n> haha!
<Mooman> Egads!
<RYClaude> he made it!
<mcDuff> n!
<mcDuff> My old nemesis!
<RYClaude> criminy!
<n> I have returned!
<mcDuff> You took my highschool girlfriend from me!
<n> and i'd do it again in an instant
<Mooman> It is time we duel!
<mcDuff> Grrrrr.
<RYClaude> Quick Mooman!
<mcDuff> Duel him, Moom!
<mcDuff> And win!
<RYClaude> strike him down, sir!
<mcDuff> Otherwise, I am a goner!
<RYClaude> me too!
* Mooman smacks n about using McDuffies as a truncheon
<mcDuff> Me more.
<mcDuff> Ar...
<mcDuff> Use a bat next time will you
<Mooman> This just seemed more convenient
* n punches Mooman in the face
* Mooman blocks with McDuffies

<mcDuff> your glasses!
<mcDuff> a...
<mcDuff> Mooman, use your power!
<mcDuff> Use your power!
<n> no!
<Mooman> My power?
<mcDuff> You know you got it in you!
<Mooman> Ok!
* Mooman spits on n
<RYClaude> you can do eeeeeet
<mcDuff> Remember, when we were kids...
<n> gah!
<n> you sunnava...
<mcDuff> accidentally killed a granma with your power...
<Mooman> We were kids?!
<mcDuff> ...and decided never to use it again...
<Mooman> Ooooohhhh...THAT power.
<RYClaude> there'll be time for catchup later!
<mcDuff> is a time to break your oath...
<Mooman> It is!
<n> hahahaha!
<Mooman> I see that now!
* Mooman powahs up
<mcDuff> ...use it!
* n *leaps towards Mooman
<mcDuff> Don't be afraid
<mcDuff> !
* Mooman quickly douses n in gasoline and then throws a lit match at him
<n> raaaaaaaa!
<n> Nooooo!
<mcDuff> Uh...
<Mooman> It is done!
<n> Tell McDuffies girlfriend.....
<mcDuff> How could you burn him, he's dead.
<n> I love her
<Mooman> He's a physical manisfestation
<Mooman> Also, fire is cool
<mcDuff> I'll tell that to her myself.
<n> And tell McDuffies he's a jerk!
<mcDuff> I am standing right here.
* mcDuff kicks n while he's down
* Mooman delivers the final blow to by slamming McDuff into his face

<n> gah!
* n dies
* n has quit IRC (Client closed connection)
<mcDuff> Why do you have to perform all everyday actions using me?
<RYClaude> YAAY!
<Mooman> Cause you're just so bludgeon-like.
<mcDuff> If you start brushing your teeth with me, I'm outta here.
<mcDuff> Anyway, yeeeeey, we won and I'm not a goner!
<Mooman> Don't worry about that. I couldn't stand the hairballs...
<RYClaude> am i alive yet?
<Mooman> I dunno, did n resurrect you?
<RYClaude> i think he did with his last breath
<Mooman> So you're alive?
<mcDuff> Gah, that's what we forgot to ask him.
<mcDuff> You were supposed to keep him alive, Moom.
<Mooman> Hey, no-one told me that!
<RYClaude> hmm
<mcDuff> Well, how can he ressurect dead?
<RYClaude> life 2?
<Mooman> I dunno! With magic!
<mcDuff> RYClaude, I think I found a way to ressurect you.
<RYClaude> yes?!
<mcDuff> A legal way.
<mcDuff> You see, I was browsing through these legal books...
<mcDuff> As I am a lawyer now...
<mcDuff> And I found that you're dead simply because your birth certificate says so.
<RYClaude> go on
<mcDuff> In order to ressurect you we need to change that clause in your certificate.
* Mooman grabs his Lawyer Pen!
<RYClaude> so if we destroy my certificate...
<mcDuff> No you fool!
<mcDuff> If we destroy the certificate It'll be as if you were never born!
<RYClaude> I didn't burn it yet!
<RYClaude> it's okay!
<mcDuff> What we need to do is...
<Mooman> So, what should I write on this?
<mcDuff> fill out a form M-31 in 22 copies...
<mcDuff> Send it over to officials and wait for 30 days.
<Mooman> 22?!!!!!!!!!! But no-one has ever managed to fill out more than 17 without imploding!
<RYClaude> today is a day for glory!
<Mooman> McDuff, you'd better do it!
<RYClaude> !8ball will mooman succeed?
<SpaceChan> Are you crazy?!?!
<RYClaude> oh dear...
<mcDuff> Then when the form is returned to us, we got to sign every copy and fill in 20 copies of SC-42 also known as "sex change certificate..."
<mcDuff> Send it over and wait for another month...
<mcDuff> And hopefully...
<Mooman> You were always the better litigator than me.
<mcDuff> If they don't lump forms somewhere in the top shelf...
<mcDuff> will be changed into alive.
<Mooman> I'll get the coffee
<mcDuff> It takes a lot of complaining to do something with this bureucracy.
<RYClaude> jesus, this is gonna take forever
* mcDuff starts filling forms
<mcDuff> I need a full concentration...
* mcDuff sweats
<Mooman> Come on, McDuff!
<mcDuff> I'm at 8 copies...
* Mooman starts playing tense 'passage of time' music on the keyboard
<mcDuff> Stop it.
<mcDuff> It makes atmosphere more tense.
<Mooman> Sorry
* mcDuff is at 12 copies
<Mooman> Noo?
<RYClaude> what?!
<mcDuff> I'M GONNA CRACK...
<RYClaude> you can do eeet toooo!
<Mooman> Remember when we were kids!
<mcDuff> ARGH!
<Mooman> And I set that granny on fire!
<Mooman> Wasn't that awesome?!
<mcDuff> you... must...
<RYClaude> that was cool
<mcDuff> poor granny
<Mooman> Here! Have some coffee!
<mcDuff> Now I know better than to burn old people for my personal amusement...
<mcDuff> ahh. coffee
<mcDuff> It lifted me up...
* mcDuff continues filling forms
* mcDuff is at 17 copies
* mcDuff discovers carbon paper

<mcDuff> Now this will speed up things.
* mcDuff is at 20 copies
<mcDuff> Just two more...
<Mooman> My God
<mcDuff> I'm gonna crack...
<Mooman> He's a form-fillin' machine!
<mcDuff> Mooman...
<Mooman> You must hold on!
<RYClaude> come onnnnn
<mcDuff> You gotta finish these two copies for me...
<Mooman> I don't know if I can!
<mcDuff> Just retrace my steps...
<mcDuff> You must!
* Mooman equips his Lawyer Pen
<Mooman> I will try!
<Mooman> RYClaude! Tend to his wounds!
<mcDuff> I will go mad if I do it, I just know!
<RYClaude> *tends ghostily*
* Mooman looks over the last two pages
<mcDuff> You can do it!
<RYClaude> so close!
<mcDuff> Go! Go! Go!
* Mooman brushes the sweat from his forehead
<mcDuff> Look at his hand shaking!
<RYClaude> almost...
<Mooman> I don't know if I can...
<RYClaude> there...
<mcDuff> Two letters more!
<RYClaude> do it for mary!
<RYClaude> for johnny!
<Mooman> I....I.........I....
<Mooman> I don't know anyone called johnny.
<RYClaude> for Cassandra!
<RYClaude> for lilly!
* mcDuff 's vein on forehead sticks out
<RYClaude> for Barry!
<RYClaude> for harry!
<RYClaude> for Gary!
<mcDuff> Do it for someone you know!
* Mooman slowly scrawls in the last letter
<RYClaude> for Michael!
<Mooman> There
<RYClaude> YAY!
<Mooman> I did it for BATMAN!
<RYClaude> nanananana!
<mcDuff> Oh wait, this one isn't filled properly. We gotta do another copy.
<mcDuff> You...
<mcDuff> You misspelled
<RYClaude> no
* Mooman collapses
<mcDuff> I knew I couldn't trust you.
<RYClaude> wait
<RYClaude> use a Photocopier
<mcDuff> You failed me once again.
<mcDuff> Ok.
<RYClaude> zzzhmmmmmmmmmm
* mcDuff uses a photocopier
* mcDuff sends forms

<mcDuff> Now all we have to do is wait.
<RYClaude> *waits for a month*
<mcDuff> Mooman, RYClaude...
<RYClaude> yes?
<mcDuff> I have an announcemet to make
* Mooman combs his huge beard
<RYClaude> is it over?
<mcDuff> No.
<mcDuff> But I am moving.
<Mooman> Moving?
<RYClaude> moving?!
<mcDuff> I got a job in a very powerful legal office in Hong Kong
<mcDuff> I am moving to Hong Kong today.
* Faceless has joined #keenspace
<RYClaude> but what shall become of us?!
<Mooman> But...but...McDuff and Moo Legal Adventures Inc is the biggest lawfirm in the western world!
<Faceless> Hey everyone!
<mcDuff> You'll manage it without me, I know.
<Faceless> Gah!
* mcDuff puts hand on Mooman's shoulder
<Mooman> I don't know if I can
<mcDuff> I know it.
<Faceless> What's happening?
<mcDuff> Just believe in yourself.
<RYClaude> I believe in you mooman
<mcDuff> Faceless, you're hired instead of me.
<RYClaude> I'm dead, McDuff and Mooman are lawyers
<mcDuff> You just got to promise me one thing.
<Faceless> Uhm, 'kay.
<Mooman> What's that?
<mcDuff> When all this is over...
<Faceless> Hm?
<mcDuff> it in the "chatroom quotelist" thread...
<Mooman> Don't you worry, McDuff. *sniff*
<RYClaude> *sniff*
<mcDuff> that future generations can learn from our mistakes.
<mcDuff> Now I gotta go.
<RYClaude> waaaa!
<Faceless> What's happening?! I'm so confused.
<mcDuff> My plane is leaving.
<RYClaude> farewell McDuff!
<Mooman> Farewell, McDuff, try not to get killed by the Hong Kong mafia
<Faceless> Farewell!
<RYClaude> do a hooker for me!
* mcDuff has quit IRC (Quit: mcDuff leaves for Hong Kong)
<Faceless> McDuff's going to Hong Kong?
<Mooman> Well now
<Mooman> Yes, he's gone now
<RYClaude> maybe forever
<RYClaude> has it been a month yet?
<Faceless> Uhm, he said: "Faceless, you're hired instead of me."
<Mooman> Well, we might as well look at RyClaude's stuff while waiting for the next lot of forms to arrive. I mean, we never actually did that.
<RYClaude> for the law firm
<Faceless> What have I been hired for?
<RYClaude> shall I recap, Mooman?
<Faceless> The Law Firm? Uhm... What's that?
<Mooman> No, RYClaude
<RYClaude> aww
<Mooman> IN fact
<Mooman> You scum!
<Mooman> Look! Right here
<Mooman> In all your stuff!
<RYClaude> *looks*
<RYClaude> oh
<Mooman> There's a Kids Science Resurrection Kit!
<RYClaude> huh
<RYClaude> wondered where that went
<Mooman> It says "20 minutes in the oven and you'll be back on your feet in no time!"
<RYClaude> to the lab, Dr. mooman!
* Faceless eats his Soreen Snack packet he got from a local Co-Op
<RYClaude> kitchen then
<Faceless> Mmmmm, pre-spread Soreen goodness.
* Mooman stuffs RYClaude's corpse into the oven
<RYClaude> carefull there
* Mooman sets it to 20 minutes at full heat
<RYClaude> *20 minutes pass*
* Mooman goes to kick some puppies for 20 minutes
<Mooman> And now let's see
<RYClaude> I've risen perfectly!
* Mooman opens the oven to billows of black smoke
<Mooman> Erm...
<Mooman> Actually
<Mooman> You're a big charred mess
<RYClaude> good enough
* Mooman reads the Kit again
<Mooman> Ooooh!
<Faceless> It has eyes!
<Mooman> It says 'Don't actually turn the oven on.'
<Mooman> Whoops!
<RYClaude> look
<RYClaude> just get me some moisturiser
<RYClaude> that should make everything better
<RYClaude> and moist
* Mooman gives up, takes RYClaude's money and goes to live on an island somewhere
* Faceless gets the moisturiser

<RYClaude> cue ending theme
<Mooman> *credits*

<RYClaude> Mooman lived a long and prosperous life until the FBI caught up with him
<RYClaude> he's been in jail for 12 years

<RYClaude> Claude became the spokesman for oil of Olay
<Faceless> "Spokesthing"
<RYClaude> yeh
<RYClaude> thing

<RYClaude> McDuff was sold to pirates on his trip to Hong Kong
<Mooman> He was found beaten, raped and shaven 8 months later in a Chip Shop in Tennessee

<RYClaude> Faceless still has no clue what the hell was going on
<Faceless> What the HELL is going on?

<Mooman> *Dragnet theme*
<RYClaude> this has been a Mooman production for the Bee Beeb see
<RYClaude> coming up next, Changing rooms
* Faceless changes channel

This Mooman and Bob adventure was brought to you be keenspace and scrumtuckles. Drink scrumtuckles , f*ckers!!!